Monday, August 29, 2011

Commonly Misused Words Take 2

Week two's homework is shockingly similar to week one's. There are lots of words to learn. Learn them. Here are some resources to help you. And here's a clip from The Princess Bride to keep things interesting. Oh, and by the by, the first five people to say to me, "I do not think that word means what you think it means," get a prize. :)

The Inigo Montoya Guide to Misused Words
Some Commonly Misused Words
8 Commonly Misused Words

Monday, August 22, 2011

Grammar HW Week One

Today's topic is confusing words. The best advice I can offer you is this: memorize these words. It will never be automatic; you will always have to stop for a second and determine which word you should use to correctly express your ideas. Use the reference sheet you were given to help you.

Here are a few websites that are relevant to this week's grammar lesson.

Writer's Web
Words Commonly Confused
Commonly Confused Words

Monday, August 15, 2011


Welcome to the Honors English Grammar Homework Help Page. I am excited to offer you this opportunity to expand your learning! All time spent on this page is optional, and for the most part, I will never know who is here. However, spending time on this page, and using the links provided WILL help you improve your understanding of grammar and usage, and that will show in your writing. Plus, it will make me feel happy if you use it, and isn't that worth something?

I will try to post a few websites that pertain to each week's lesson; therefore, if you want more practice or further explanation, you can use these resources. This page is a work in progress; I am thinking I may post extra credit opportunities here, or provide you with exclusive information. I may also not be perfect in posting helps, but I will do my best.

Please leave comments, questions or shout-outs. That's fun for me! And remember, Grammar Helps!!