Monday, September 26, 2011


Yesterday my kids were fighting. (Does it seem like lots of my stories start that way?) Anyway, Rex was upset because Sam has taken his sword. Swords are very precious in our home; we're raising ninjas. Anyway, the sword was Rex's, not Sam's, so I was forced to intervene. Plus, Rex was really starting to freak out. He has his angry eyes on. I returned the sword to its rightful owner and found Sam's (lesser) sword. Crisis averted, back to grading papers. Then, I decided to wax philosophical, which means I started thinking. What if there were no possessives in our language? Would there be no fighting in my home? Then, Sam hit Rex with his sword, and I realized maybe there would be less fighting if I didn't equip my sons with weapons. I guess the point is we DO have possessives in our language, and you need to learn to use them correctly. I LOVE correctly used apostrophes and soon, you will too. Here is some practice so that you aren't one of those people that uses apostrophes for plurals--seriously WHAT IS WITH THOSE PEOPLE??? Enjoy, I have some ninjas to train.

A quick tutorial and practice
A collection of games/practice. I shot aliens while reviewing possessives
A little quiz for some traditional practice

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